Well, we are wrapping up our last two jobs of 2009. It has been a fabulous start to SeekingSitters Lubbock and I can't wait to see what happens in 2010! We came back from training and opened up on Halloween. In November, we hired 5 babysitters and had 8 babysitting events. In December, we hired 6 more sitters and had 24 events! We tripled our number of jobs! I sure hope that trend keeps up! Here are a few of our stories:
Family KL: A good friend of mine didn't sign up for the service right away but then had a sitter cancel due to illness one night before they were having a large Christmas party at their house. She called SeekingSitters and we were able to set up her member account and assign a sitter by the end of the day. The party went off without a hitch and the kids loved their sitter!
Family VH: Her daughter had to go out of town for three days and left the grandchildren with her; however, she still had to work those three days. We found a sitter to stay with the kids and everyone was happy and able to take care of their business!
Family LC: A good friend of theirs called at the last minute to say he was coming to town and playing in a band downtown. She called me at 3:00 and needed a sitter for 7:00 that night. She told me she thought it would be impossible but her husband encouraged her to call. I was at Target with all 4 of my kids but I texted all my sitters and by 3:20 I had a sitter assigned and they were off to hear the music!
Family SD: She signed up for the service after her regular sitters were unavailable. She told me she was a little worried because her two kids (ages 2 and 4) had never stayed with a sitter they did not know. After the job, I talked to my sitter and she said the kids were napping when she got there but they woke up and acted like they had always known her. When she left, the little boy threw himself into her arms for a hug!
And this week I had a new sitter in my home as well. As soon as she got to our house, Ryan (age 2) asked, "Do you have a bag? What's in your bag?" My kids know every sitter comes with new, fun things to do and they can't wait to rifle through their stuff!
So that is what SeekingSitters can do! Rescue you at the last minute, save a Christmas party, befriend your children, and let you go out without worry! We plan to do even more in 2010. We will have new specials, more fabulous sitters, Restaurant of the Month, and an events page to let you know what options are out there for a great date night, or great family activities. Perhaps we cost a little bit more than your regular sitter, and it is a membership service - but look what you get! No hassles, no worries, and guaranteed sitters that your kids will love! My mom always said, "You get what you pay for!"
Home of easy, safe babysitting solutions for the Lubbock area! We are a membership service providing on-demand sitters. All sitters are thoroughly interviewed & background checked. We can provide one-time, part-time, full-time, & last minute babysitting. You can view sitter profiles online & each sitter will arrive in her official T-shirt with a bag of age appropriate activities for your children! Our sitters don't just sit, and we do it all for you!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Why moms have insomnia
Do all moms suffer from insomnia? I know I sure do. I know why too. It's the one peaceful moment to myself! Everyone falls asleep and it seems like the perfect time to get things done. I start wondering what I should do! I can read and reply to emails! Catch up on blogs, finish paperwork for work, balance my checkbook, read my new e-book. The list seems endless! Hey! Walmart's open all night! I could even do the grocery shopping or finish Christmas shopping! These are the things that make it so hard to settle down to sleep. During the week we are on the go. Events, classes, music, piano - there is always something that makes it impossible to find time to sit down and do these types of tasks. And I know this me-time is important and makes me a better mom. When things start to pile up, I start to get cranky. I try to remind myself of how important it is to just get away sometimes and have a quiet lunch and read a good book. So without guilt, I get a sitter sometimes during the week just to give me some peaceful moments that don't deprive me of needed sleep! But it doesn't always work out which brings me to blogging at midnight. But hey! It's quiet!
Monday, December 14, 2009
What do you do when things do not go as planned?
With four children under the age of seven in my house, it is safe to say things typically do NOT go as planned. For instance, this weekend the PLAN was to finish my Christmas shopping, clean the house, do the laundry, finish my paperwork, mail out Christmas cards, and go to Cookie Bouquet for Christmas cookie decorating. What actually happened is that Friday evening at dinner my husband's back starting spasming and he ended up in bed for the entire weekend. So I took care of four kids, and him, and the house, and did not get most of my list done.
We had to do things mostly around the house so we made chocolate cake one night. This was designed to help me feel better! And decorated a gingerbread house Sunday afternoon. This was designed to help the kids feel better! (And it was a kit from Wal-Mart, just so you don't start thinking it was that impressive! Well, the kit itself was impressive but not the mommy-made-from-scratch factor!) But limited laundry was done, no shopping, and absolutely no paperwork.

But what I have learned is this - first, single motherhood is hard! Very hard. And second, get help! I didn't ask for any help this weekend and it was fine, but then my husband ended up heading to the emergency room at 6:30 am this morning and help was needed! Luckily, the grandparents stepped in to help, but we were gone all morning and then had another appointment with his regular doctor right at school pick-up time. Doesn't everything always seem to fall right at school pick-up time? But SeekingSitters came to the rescue. This is why I love this service - for myself! I looked up the sitters' calendars and found a wonderful sitter, Ann, who was available today and she came over with less than 2 hours notice. She picked up the big kids from school and stayed until we could get back. So, THAT is what to do if things do not go as planned! Call in reinforcements!
I hope your holiday season DOES go as planned this year and into your New Year, but if it doesn't.... you know who to call! Oh! And luckily, Cookie Bouquet has another cookie decorating day on December 21, so meet us there!
We had to do things mostly around the house so we made chocolate cake one night. This was designed to help me feel better! And decorated a gingerbread house Sunday afternoon. This was designed to help the kids feel better! (And it was a kit from Wal-Mart, just so you don't start thinking it was that impressive! Well, the kit itself was impressive but not the mommy-made-from-scratch factor!) But limited laundry was done, no shopping, and absolutely no paperwork.
But what I have learned is this - first, single motherhood is hard! Very hard. And second, get help! I didn't ask for any help this weekend and it was fine, but then my husband ended up heading to the emergency room at 6:30 am this morning and help was needed! Luckily, the grandparents stepped in to help, but we were gone all morning and then had another appointment with his regular doctor right at school pick-up time. Doesn't everything always seem to fall right at school pick-up time? But SeekingSitters came to the rescue. This is why I love this service - for myself! I looked up the sitters' calendars and found a wonderful sitter, Ann, who was available today and she came over with less than 2 hours notice. She picked up the big kids from school and stayed until we could get back. So, THAT is what to do if things do not go as planned! Call in reinforcements!
I hope your holiday season DOES go as planned this year and into your New Year, but if it doesn't.... you know who to call! Oh! And luckily, Cookie Bouquet has another cookie decorating day on December 21, so meet us there!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Snowy and the Two Year Old
Our elf has a rule that he does not like to be touched. The kids were told if they touched him, he wouldn't move to a new spot that night. Somehow this morphed in their little child minds into a decree that if he was touched, he would leave forever. Imagine the consternation this could cause! Obviously the rule was put into place so that Snowy (and I) could have some peace and so he doesn't get wagged around the house all day, broken and/or lost. So on our first day with Snowy, he was sitting on the kitchen counter. Ryan (age 2) has reached that stage where she realizes she can get to her siblings. She pulls a chair up by the elf and bumps him or pokes him, I'm not quite sure the level of transgression. This sends the other children into hysterics because now Snowy is going to leave forever!
Evan: Ryan! Do you want Snowy to leave forever? Do you?!
Ryan: Yes.
Mom: Laughing silently and letting them muddle through on their own.
Erin: (whispering to Snowy). Snowy, please do not leave. She's just two and she doesn't know better. We'll watch her carefully so she doesn't touch you again.
Evan: (writing Snowy a letter). Snowy, Ryan did not mean to touch you. Please don't leave. ERaaghueal (or some such word that even Evan could not read afterwards.)
I was called on to intervene several times, but I think it is important for children to learn to work through these types of issues on their own. As long as there is not bloodshed and the noise level stays tolerable, I generally stay out of it. Needless to say, Snowy understood the two year old point of view and her need to touch plus her need to aggravate! He did not leave and tonight has moved to preside over the Nativity scene. Imagine the baby Jesus at two years old! I bet he wouldn't have touched the Elf.
Evan: Ryan! Do you want Snowy to leave forever? Do you?!
Ryan: Yes.
Mom: Laughing silently and letting them muddle through on their own.
Erin: (whispering to Snowy). Snowy, please do not leave. She's just two and she doesn't know better. We'll watch her carefully so she doesn't touch you again.
Evan: (writing Snowy a letter). Snowy, Ryan did not mean to touch you. Please don't leave. ERaaghueal (or some such word that even Evan could not read afterwards.)
I was called on to intervene several times, but I think it is important for children to learn to work through these types of issues on their own. As long as there is not bloodshed and the noise level stays tolerable, I generally stay out of it. Needless to say, Snowy understood the two year old point of view and her need to touch plus her need to aggravate! He did not leave and tonight has moved to preside over the Nativity scene. Imagine the baby Jesus at two years old! I bet he wouldn't have touched the Elf.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Create Family Traditions
Family traditions are important. It's what draws us together in our immediate family and across generations. Holidays are a time that many families look for and establish traditions. You probably have traditions dating back to when you were a kid: When to open presents, reading Twas a Night Before Christmas, and eating black eyed peas on New Years. You also want to create new traditions for your new family; yourself, your husband, and your children. Last year we started our own version of Elf on a Shelf. You may have heard of the adorable book by the same name which comes with directions and an Elf to join your family. We couldn't find a copy last year and so we took one of our Christmas decorations (a cute little Elf that sits up on his own), and made our own version. And that was how Snowy came to join us last December. Snowy came with a passport and journal where he could write down notes for Santa. This came in handy on those days when no one was behaving! Each night he would move to a different spot in the house and frequently he got into mischief like opening up lots of candy and throwing the wrappers on the floor, or cutting out snowflakes and making a big mess. The kids loved getting up each morning and searching the house for Snowy to see what he was in to that day.
Tonight Snowy rejoins our family and we'll chronicle some of his exploits for you. If you have a great family tradition to pass along, let me know!
Tonight Snowy rejoins our family and we'll chronicle some of his exploits for you. If you have a great family tradition to pass along, let me know!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Our goal at SeekingSitters is to do more than just babysit. We want to provide families with a service they have never had before. I want every feedback report from families to include words like: Fabulous! Unbelievable! and Extraordinary! This is what our service is all about.
Arrival: First impressions are everything. Babysitters should be on the job from the minute they walk through the door. If the family is trying to get out the door, take over anything you can help with.
During the job: Sitters are there to entertain, to excite, and to create adventure! Think outside of the box and you’ll draw kids in. Here are a few ideas and we’ll keep adding to this segment:
Kids like activity. One of the things my kids loved best about Evie is she would do “Bronco” and “Airplane.” I’m pretty sure this was bucking bronco rides on her knees and airplane rides up on her feet. She also went outside to play Red Light, Green Light; Freeze Tag, and Red Rover. There was always lots of laughing and giggling when I came home!
Art: Art is important because it is part of leaving behind your mark. Not all kids like art, but make it a game and you might draw them in. One sitter we had in Tulsa created a “Cake Decorating” contest. She drew the cakes and the kids drew on the decorations. Boys might prefer a monster decorating contest. Holiday craft projects are great and you can find lots of free ideas online. And always remember Presentation! Leave the projects out on the counter and tell the family about them when they get home. Evie did at least one project everytime she was here and then would point out things like how great Ryan’s circles were or how many colors Erin chose for her drawing. Puppets are an easy favorite. Take old socks or brown paper sacks and you can make a project and put on a show.
Be unique: Kids love new things – a few ideas: make forts out of blankets and chairs. Read books by flashlight in the closet or your ‘tent.’ Flashlights and things in the dark are always a hit. Read a story and then act it out in a play. Scavenger hunts are always a big hit. We have a simple scavenger hunt we use each Xmas. Basically it is just Xmas icons we print out in various sizes and tape up around the house. The kids each get a sheet with the icons printed on it and they check them off as they find them. This is great because even very small kids can play. For bigger kids, you can print the icons smaller or hide them in more difficult spots. Digital cameras are also great fun for kids and you can create a photo scavenger hunt or just take lots of pictures of them acting goofy. Printing photos is not necessary but if you get great shots you could offer to email them to the parents later.
Read: Reading is important and even if it’s just a short story. This is good for kids and great for parents. Consider picking up funny magazines or story books from the library. Always consider the age and gender of the kids though. The Fun Time sheets have a place for “Today’s Reading” so you can note that down.
Tailor activities to the kids: For toddlers, practicing colors, numbers, and letters will be appreciated. Bigger kids might practice reading or if they’re in activities, have them show you what they do and tell the parents about it later (Tae Kwon do, piano, ballet, etc).
Clean up and exit: Always leave time to clean-up and fill in your Fun Time Sheets. You want to clean-up as you go but then make sure it’s all pretty much straightened up at least 30 minutes before you expect them home. Frequently families will come home early, so plan accordingly. Clean up all meal items and any toys you got out. If the family gets home before you’re done or before you have time to clean-up, do it after they get there. It is not necessary to run right out the door and it’s good to finish what you started. Always exit on a positive note. Tell the family about what you did and what you enjoyed about their kids. Point out things you did and what the kids liked best.
Arrival: First impressions are everything. Babysitters should be on the job from the minute they walk through the door. If the family is trying to get out the door, take over anything you can help with.
During the job: Sitters are there to entertain, to excite, and to create adventure! Think outside of the box and you’ll draw kids in. Here are a few ideas and we’ll keep adding to this segment:
Kids like activity. One of the things my kids loved best about Evie is she would do “Bronco” and “Airplane.” I’m pretty sure this was bucking bronco rides on her knees and airplane rides up on her feet. She also went outside to play Red Light, Green Light; Freeze Tag, and Red Rover. There was always lots of laughing and giggling when I came home!
Art: Art is important because it is part of leaving behind your mark. Not all kids like art, but make it a game and you might draw them in. One sitter we had in Tulsa created a “Cake Decorating” contest. She drew the cakes and the kids drew on the decorations. Boys might prefer a monster decorating contest. Holiday craft projects are great and you can find lots of free ideas online. And always remember Presentation! Leave the projects out on the counter and tell the family about them when they get home. Evie did at least one project everytime she was here and then would point out things like how great Ryan’s circles were or how many colors Erin chose for her drawing. Puppets are an easy favorite. Take old socks or brown paper sacks and you can make a project and put on a show.
Be unique: Kids love new things – a few ideas: make forts out of blankets and chairs. Read books by flashlight in the closet or your ‘tent.’ Flashlights and things in the dark are always a hit. Read a story and then act it out in a play. Scavenger hunts are always a big hit. We have a simple scavenger hunt we use each Xmas. Basically it is just Xmas icons we print out in various sizes and tape up around the house. The kids each get a sheet with the icons printed on it and they check them off as they find them. This is great because even very small kids can play. For bigger kids, you can print the icons smaller or hide them in more difficult spots. Digital cameras are also great fun for kids and you can create a photo scavenger hunt or just take lots of pictures of them acting goofy. Printing photos is not necessary but if you get great shots you could offer to email them to the parents later.
Read: Reading is important and even if it’s just a short story. This is good for kids and great for parents. Consider picking up funny magazines or story books from the library. Always consider the age and gender of the kids though. The Fun Time sheets have a place for “Today’s Reading” so you can note that down.
Tailor activities to the kids: For toddlers, practicing colors, numbers, and letters will be appreciated. Bigger kids might practice reading or if they’re in activities, have them show you what they do and tell the parents about it later (Tae Kwon do, piano, ballet, etc).
Clean up and exit: Always leave time to clean-up and fill in your Fun Time Sheets. You want to clean-up as you go but then make sure it’s all pretty much straightened up at least 30 minutes before you expect them home. Frequently families will come home early, so plan accordingly. Clean up all meal items and any toys you got out. If the family gets home before you’re done or before you have time to clean-up, do it after they get there. It is not necessary to run right out the door and it’s good to finish what you started. Always exit on a positive note. Tell the family about what you did and what you enjoyed about their kids. Point out things you did and what the kids liked best.
Welcome to Lubbock SeekingSitters
My goal is to help families and sitters in the Lubbock area have Extraordinary babysitting experiences!
My name in Julie Bates. I am a Lubbock mother of 4, Texas Tech grad, and child psychologist in town and I would love to tell you my story. I have just started a new business in Lubbock called SeekingSitters. It is a babysitting referral service providing safe, reliable babysitting services to families in Lubbock. As a mom, I know how hard it is to leave your children with a new person, and I have struggled to find good babysitters for my family and always hate it when a great sitter graduates and I have to start over. With SeekingSitters, I hire Certified Professional Sitters that I would trust with my kids and therefore you could trust with yours.
As a psychologist working with children, I hear from families the concerns they have for their children and how diligent they are in keeping their kids safe. I also know how important it is for children to have fun, be creative, and have lots of playtime during their day. SeekingSitters will focus on these goals including safety for families and for babysitters, fun babysitting experiences, flexibility and easy service! We provide full-time, part-time, one-time and last minute babysitting. It is ON DEMAND babysitting. I would love to talk with you further about issues pertinent to Lubbock families such as safe babysitting, how to choose a sitter, and how playtime is developmentally necessary for children, as well as what SeekingSitters can offer Lubbock.
One of the most unique aspects of SeekingSitters is that we complete extensive Xtreme Background checks on our sitters, and we also check our families. This creates safety and peace of mind for both the sitter and the family. SeekingSitters exclusive, in-house investigative team conducts checks similar to the FBI and other law enforcement agencies. Our sitters have extensive childcare experience and they come prepared to play, not sit! All of our sitters arrive in their SeekingSitters T-shirt with their SeekingSitters backpack full of activities tailored to the specific family they are working with. At SeekingSitters we do it all for families!
SeekingSitters started in Tulsa and is quickly gaining national recognition. It is one of the fastest growing franchises in the nation and is completely owned by moms. There are branches in Dallas, Austin, and Houston as well as around the nation and I feel like we’re finally catching up! I think it will be a great benefit to Lubbock families, especially with holiday parties right around the corner!
My name in Julie Bates. I am a Lubbock mother of 4, Texas Tech grad, and child psychologist in town and I would love to tell you my story. I have just started a new business in Lubbock called SeekingSitters. It is a babysitting referral service providing safe, reliable babysitting services to families in Lubbock. As a mom, I know how hard it is to leave your children with a new person, and I have struggled to find good babysitters for my family and always hate it when a great sitter graduates and I have to start over. With SeekingSitters, I hire Certified Professional Sitters that I would trust with my kids and therefore you could trust with yours.
As a psychologist working with children, I hear from families the concerns they have for their children and how diligent they are in keeping their kids safe. I also know how important it is for children to have fun, be creative, and have lots of playtime during their day. SeekingSitters will focus on these goals including safety for families and for babysitters, fun babysitting experiences, flexibility and easy service! We provide full-time, part-time, one-time and last minute babysitting. It is ON DEMAND babysitting. I would love to talk with you further about issues pertinent to Lubbock families such as safe babysitting, how to choose a sitter, and how playtime is developmentally necessary for children, as well as what SeekingSitters can offer Lubbock.
One of the most unique aspects of SeekingSitters is that we complete extensive Xtreme Background checks on our sitters, and we also check our families. This creates safety and peace of mind for both the sitter and the family. SeekingSitters exclusive, in-house investigative team conducts checks similar to the FBI and other law enforcement agencies. Our sitters have extensive childcare experience and they come prepared to play, not sit! All of our sitters arrive in their SeekingSitters T-shirt with their SeekingSitters backpack full of activities tailored to the specific family they are working with. At SeekingSitters we do it all for families!
SeekingSitters started in Tulsa and is quickly gaining national recognition. It is one of the fastest growing franchises in the nation and is completely owned by moms. There are branches in Dallas, Austin, and Houston as well as around the nation and I feel like we’re finally catching up! I think it will be a great benefit to Lubbock families, especially with holiday parties right around the corner!
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